The 5 senses of men often revolve around the universe outside. We are easily affected by desire which is abundant in our existing environment. Desire, is the embodiment of the 3 evil roots: greed, hatred and delusion. Thus in this tainted world, the existence of dharma is like the flow of a clear stream. Dharma Flow as a medium for dharma, cleanse our heart and soul of vexation. hence, unleashing purity, righteousness and beauty from within.
Dhamma Flow is the first magazine of PBUPM. In the earliest years, Dhamma Flowis being presided over by secretariat of PBUPM.However, in year 03/04, publicity section had rectified and Dharma Flow is affiliated in publicity section.In year 2007, Dhamma Flow is further joined into library section and named as publishing section.
《清流》or also known as Dhamma Flow is the magazines of PBUPM. One of the aims of Dhamma Flow is to instill the knowledge and practices among PBUPM members.Besides that, Dhamma Flow acts as a media for PBUPM members to get the latest news of the activity in PBUPM. PBUPM members also can contribute their dhamma materials such as dhamma talks, articles about the dhamma, poems as well as quotations through Dhamma Flow.
在1997 年时, HEP (现在的 HEM) 分配每个学会一个活动中心 (Rumah Persatuan) 作为学会用途。在菩提之家,由于人手和地点的问题,佛学会便把中心改作为佛学会图书馆。在因缘的改变下, 2003 年 1 月 8 日博大佛学会在改选后的一个月也收到消息 HEM 已通过一间名为 Institut Gerontologi 机构的申请把 Rumah Persatuan 作为他们的办公楼。收到 HEM 的信也被命令在短期内把图书馆从 Rumah Persatuan 搬迁至外面原因是要进行装修。这一切来得真的来得太匆忙了,图书馆执委们都忙着找适合地方搬,整整用了两个星期的时间找房子,找住户以及与房东协调。